Ventura County lies along the Pacific Coast and is bordered by Los Angeles County to the South and East. But with an estimated population of approximately 851,297, the feel of Ventura County is a world apart from Los Angeles, while having all of the accessibility to what it has to offer. East Ventura County is made up of a group of cities located in either the Conejo Valley or Simi Valley. These are mostly upscale suburban bedroom communities for West Los Angeles County. Separated by the Conejo Grade, a stretch of Hwy 101 that drops into the agricultural plains and the coastal cities, West Ventura County has an entirely different vibe than East County. With it's three three beach cities, two harbors, and the largest deepwater port between Los Angeles and San Francisco, West County speaks mostly to a coastal atmosphere. Directly to the north and west is Santa Barbara County and the gateway to the Central Coast.