Your Partners in Real Estate
"Our Mission is to be known in our real estate community for our integrity and commitment to excellence as we partner with families while they create a meaningful legacy for future generations"
What happens next if I request information on your site?
You probably don’t know us yet, so this is our absolute commitment to you. We will respond promptly and directly to your specific request. But we will do so only in the manner in which you have permitted us. Of course, it will be our goal to work with you, either now or in the future, but to do so, we know that we need to establish your trust. If now is not your time, just let us know, and we will honor whatever you request in terms of future contact.
Why Us and not a public site like Zillow or
Our answer to this is the easiest one on this list. Public sites pay for access to the MLS and then use their enormous budgets to get in front of you on the web. Their websites provide a lot of information about the property and even some ancillary tools like mortgage calculators and generic home evaluations. So they are undoubtedly convenient. But here is where the difference is. They have no vested interest in you or your particular needs, and their allegiance is to the realtors who are paying them for your information. You’ve already found us. You will find everything you can get on a public site, and much more, right here. Have a question? Click here, and you will hear from us. Just us! No multiple calls and no blind interviews with someone on the other end of a telephone that you do not know.
Can I get my real estate questions answered even if I’m only in the consideration stage?
Absolutely! We provide a service. Of course, we would hope to earn your future business whenever you are ready to take that next step, but regardless, we hope you wouldn’t hesitate to call if you have a real estate related question. Again, this is “why us” and not one of the public sites!
I am new to all of this and do not know how the home buying/selling process works. Can I do this?
Yes! We will do everything we can to make this the smooth and exciting journey it should be for you, including making sure that you are fully informed and understand every step of the process along the way.
With new COVID conditions in place, what is the best way for me to preview a home in person?
Call us! In an era of restricted access, open houses are out for the foreseeable future. We can make arrangements with the seller’s agent, ensure all established COVID protocols are followed, including those specifically requested by the seller, and get you inside the home. Or, we can do a live video walkthrough and answer any questions you might have as they come up. And again, just a reminder, many sellers will only allow pre-qualified buyers into their homes due to COVID.
As a seller, who sets the standard for ensuring the safety of my home and my family during COVID?
As realtors, we take this pandemic very seriously and will always take all established precautions. There are state established protocols in place, but the homeowner can set even higher standards if they wish.