Beach Real Estate in Oxnard – Page 2 – Rebecca Rehberg, Your Partner in Ventura County Real Estate

Beach Real Estate in Oxnard

March 14, 2021

Here’s to Brighter Days Ahead!

For me, this first day of daylight savings time marks the official beginning of a new “outdoor” season.  Winter, albeit mild here along the Southern California coast, begins to make its exit, and as the days […]
March 6, 2021

It’s Women’s History Month!

  So, here we are in March…already!  March is the beginning of the end of winter, brings us longer days with daylight savings time along with St. Patty’s Day, and is the month to celebrate womens’ […]
February 25, 2021

Better Together

It seems odd that in February last year, COVID-19 was little more than a news story of some concern. And then, in mid-March, it slammed into us in the form of increased hospitalizations and state-wide business […]
February 9, 2021

February: Black History Month

It’s February, and that means it’s Black History Month.  Black History Month is an annual celebration of African Americans’ achievements and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history.  It seems that with some […]
January 7, 2021
Channel Islands Harbor

Come to Stay or Just to Play: Here are some Helpful Links

  There is a place for every person, and the past 24 years have only reinforced what Rebecca and I knew the moment we arrived here. West Ventura County is our place.  Though the location wasn’t […]
December 18, 2020
Holiday Lights

Holiday Lights are On!

  Holiday Lights are On! …and calling!  Yes, it is the year of the pandemic, but we can still enjoy the season-with some minor adjustments, of course.  Traditions abound during the holidays but many if not […]
December 8, 2020
Channel Islands Harbor Farmers Market

Better Late than Never!

    Better late than never!  In October, we reported that the Sunday Farmers Market at Channel Islands Harbor would be expanding to Wednesdays.  This additional day had been unanimously approved by the Ventura County Board […]
November 28, 2020
Work From Home

Home: Sanctuary & Now Workplace

  As we move past Thanksgiving and into the Holiday Season, the global pandemic continues to shape the new normal.  As of today, it has become even more evident that we are beginning to embrace the […]
November 14, 2020
Channel Islands Harbor Dredger

The Dredger is in the House! Or, actually the Harbor.

  So, it’s that time once again.  The hydraulic dredge “H.R Morris” operated by the Us Army Corps of Engineers, arrived in mid-October to begin maintenance dredging of the Channel Islands Harbor entrance.  It will conduct […]