Beach Real Estate – Rebecca Rehberg, Your Partner in Ventura County Real Estate

Beach Real Estate

November 11, 2023

Homeowner Net Worth Has Skyrocketed

Homeowner Net Worth Has Skyrocketed If you’re weighing your options to decide whether it makes more sense to rent or buy a home today, here’s one key data point that could help you feel more confident in making […]
February 25, 2021

Better Together

It seems odd that in February last year, COVID-19 was little more than a news story of some concern. And then, in mid-March, it slammed into us in the form of increased hospitalizations and state-wide business […]
December 18, 2020
Holiday Lights

Holiday Lights are On!

  Holiday Lights are On! …and calling!  Yes, it is the year of the pandemic, but we can still enjoy the season-with some minor adjustments, of course.  Traditions abound during the holidays but many if not […]
December 15, 2020
Hollywood Beach Oxnard

Oxnard Beaches, a Brief History

    Whether it was down the road or fifty miles up the coast, by the mid-1920s, the Hollywood brand became very prevalent across Southern California.  In Oxnard, it happened with the filming of “Bound for […]
November 14, 2020
Channel Islands Harbor Dredger

The Dredger is in the House! Or, actually the Harbor.

  So, it’s that time once again.  The hydraulic dredge “H.R Morris” operated by the Us Army Corps of Engineers, arrived in mid-October to begin maintenance dredging of the Channel Islands Harbor entrance.  It will conduct […]
October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween…’Nuff Said!
October 30, 2020
New Homebuyers

Buyer Interest Among Younger Generations is Up

The demand for homes this year is extraordinary as record-breaking numbers of hopeful buyers continue to shop for homes. In a normal year, the peak homebuying season comes to a close by early fall. However, 2020 […]
October 17, 2020

The #1 Reason Not to Wait to Sell

Many industries have been devastated by the economic shutdown caused by the COVID-19 virus. Real estate is not one of them. Mark Fleming, Chief Economist for First American, just reported: “Since hitting a low point during the initial stages of the pandemic, […]
September 9, 2020
Marine emporium

End of Summer? Best time to Play

Summer has wound down, and what an odd one it has been.  Here at beaches and the harbors, people have been scrambling to find some normalcy in their lives.  In some ways, it seems as if […]