Ventura County Real Estate – Page 3 – Rebecca Rehberg, Your Partner in Ventura County Real Estate

Ventura County Real Estate

June 13, 2021
Home Buyers in Oxnard, California

Working with Lenders: Communication is King!

  Anyone engaged in the real estate market right now knows it’s the wild west out there.  Home inventory was already low last year when the mortgage interest rates dropped off the ledge, and that brought […]
June 3, 2021
Home Values

Still Crazy Competitive: But are things settling down?

  To say it has been an interesting year so far in real estate would be akin to saying it’s interesting to see cats chasing dogs. It does happen from time to time, but it’s rare.  […]
May 28, 2021
work from home

Yes Bob. The Times, they are A-Changing!

  It seemed like a slap in the face when I read a blog that opened with “as we approach the middle of the year.”  Not the insulting kind of slap so much as the kind […]
May 23, 2021
Home Inspection for Real Estate Buyer

About Those Requests For Repairs

  Anytime we meet with our buyers following their home inspection, we try to make sure they understand what the expectations can be around any repair requests.  Home repairs post-purchase can be a significant expense, and […]
May 17, 2021
Home Value is Measured in More than Money

What is the Total Value of Home Ownership?

  I remember that when Rebecca and I were in the first-time home-buying mode, the process began long before we were ready to take the step.  In the “dreaming stage,” we would spend hot Arizona summer […]
May 7, 2021

COVID-19 SUCKS! But Do We See Light?

But please indulge me as I expand on this idea.  Rebecca & I are huge fans of Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado, and we have some hikes that we return to when we are there.  […]
May 1, 2021

Neighborhood Spotlight: Seabridge

Have you ever traveled to a vacation spot and felt that pang of envy?  You know, that “I could totally do this full time” feeling.  Once many years ago, while still living in Phoenix, Rebecca & […]
April 24, 2021

A Jogger’s Paradise

If you come to the Channel Islands Harbor / Oxnard Beach area and happen to be one of those people who checks out local jogging routes, we have a circuit you shouldn’t miss.   Depending on your […]
April 19, 2021

Don’t Hold Your Breath on that Flood of Foreclosures

In recent articles, we had touched on those ideas that distinguish our current real estate market from what happened in 2008 when our economy collapsed.  While it is our responsibility as realtors to monitor all aspects […]