Oxnard Real Estate – Rebecca Rehberg, Your Partner in Ventura County Real Estate

Oxnard Real Estate

September 1, 2021
Pierpont Beach Neighborhood, Ventura, California

Relocation Can Be Easier Than You Think!

Buying a home and moving across town can be a hassle at the very least.  But purchasing a home out of your area, hundreds or even thousands of miles away, will require commitment, organization, and clear […]
July 17, 2021
Phone Scammers

Spammers, Scammers, & Spoofers

“We’ve been trying to reach you about your auto-warranty.”  OMG! I didn’t even realize my auto warranty was expiring! The sheer number of spam and scam phone calls, texts, and emails coming in these days is […]
May 28, 2021
work from home

Yes Bob. The Times, they are A-Changing!

  It seemed like a slap in the face when I read a blog that opened with “as we approach the middle of the year.”  Not the insulting kind of slap so much as the kind […]
May 23, 2021
Home Inspection for Real Estate Buyer

About Those Requests For Repairs

  Anytime we meet with our buyers following their home inspection, we try to make sure they understand what the expectations can be around any repair requests.  Home repairs post-purchase can be a significant expense, and […]
May 17, 2021
Home Value is Measured in More than Money

What is the Total Value of Home Ownership?

  I remember that when Rebecca and I were in the first-time home-buying mode, the process began long before we were ready to take the step.  In the “dreaming stage,” we would spend hot Arizona summer […]
April 14, 2021

Our Realtor Code of Ethics

Those of us who work in any commissioned sales position understand that we will occasionally face scrutiny about our motives.   I  get this.  I was at a car dealership this past week, and the moment a […]
February 20, 2021
Vacation Rental Investment

Why Buy Now?

Obviously, there is no “one-fits-all” answer to this question.  We are in a seller’s market due to low-interest rates and low inventory.  This means there are a lot more buyers out there than there are homes […]
February 5, 2021
Ventura County Real Estate

So: What is Escrow?

It is unlikely there will ever be a purchase as large or larger than a home in a person’s lifetime.  And once the purchase contract is signed, confirming an agreement to transfer property ownership, there is […]
January 25, 2021

Public Sites & Online Brokers: What’s in it for you?

Like just about any other industry, real estate is rapidly evolving through the advancement of technology and changing the way we go about the purchase or sale of a home.  But some things remain unchanged.  For […]